The blinking cursor...
Both a help and a hindrance I say. It blinks, mocking me that I can't think of what to write. But it's blinking puts me into a trance and I go into the recesses of my brain and BOOM I think of something amazing and I quickly type it out, not caring about spelling mistakes or grammar - just get it onto the screen and press CTRL+S.
There are 273 until my draft thesis is due.
There are 294 days until my thesis is due for submission.
There are 315 days until I defend said thesis.
There are three-hundred and fifteen days until I become a qualified field epidemiologist (God willing).
I'm not worried about it. Sure, you might be thinking I'm making it worse for myself by counting down, but actually knowing what I face is allowing for a sense of understanding and clarity in what I have to get done.
What I'm really worried about is the sheer volume of paperwork and reports and shit I've got to write in professional language, no "you spread the poo on the plate" or "yeah, something like that and then stuff happens" and no use of slang or jargon.... no, it needs to be clear and concise but not truncated, descriptive but not superfluous, and eventually these will all be criticised and edited and re-criticised and re-edited not only by my three supervisors, but the multitude of people I am lucky enough to be collaborating with.
Right now I'm working on a paper about Barmah Forest virus, and whilst I know what I want to say, I don't know how to put it into the professional manner required. So I continue to stare at the blinking cursor and type to you all about it, because I need to get this off my chest.
Both a help and a hindrance I say. It blinks, mocking me that I can't think of what to write. But it's blinking puts me into a trance and I go into the recesses of my brain and BOOM I think of something amazing and I quickly type it out, not caring about spelling mistakes or grammar - just get it onto the screen and press CTRL+S.
There are 273 until my draft thesis is due.
There are 294 days until my thesis is due for submission.
There are 315 days until I defend said thesis.
There are three-hundred and fifteen days until I become a qualified field epidemiologist (God willing).
I'm not worried about it. Sure, you might be thinking I'm making it worse for myself by counting down, but actually knowing what I face is allowing for a sense of understanding and clarity in what I have to get done.
What I'm really worried about is the sheer volume of paperwork and reports and shit I've got to write in professional language, no "you spread the poo on the plate" or "yeah, something like that and then stuff happens" and no use of slang or jargon.... no, it needs to be clear and concise but not truncated, descriptive but not superfluous, and eventually these will all be criticised and edited and re-criticised and re-edited not only by my three supervisors, but the multitude of people I am lucky enough to be collaborating with.
Right now I'm working on a paper about Barmah Forest virus, and whilst I know what I want to say, I don't know how to put it into the professional manner required. So I continue to stare at the blinking cursor and type to you all about it, because I need to get this off my chest.