Friday, 18 July 2014

that's the problem

The problem with break-ups, or loss of a loved one, is that the one person you would turn to for comfort is the one person you can't.

And everything within you wants to make sure that they're alright, because for the previous period of time their hurt has been your hurt, and somehow you're supposed to just stop caring?

And sure, over time you learn to have new feelings and emotions. But somehow when it comes down to it, part of your heart will always belong to them. No matter what.

You build up walls to stop the feelings coming out, you hear yourself declaring "I'm happy being single" or "I just can't be bothered", and your actions prevent anyone getting back in.

But in reality, despite the possibility that you might face yet another heartbreak, you desperately want someone to come in to your heart, for them to love you, and you want to love them back.

This song by Sam Smith, performed on SNL, captures this emotion exactly.