Tuesday, 25 June 2013

instructions to the reader

I know you are all reading my blog; you want to know what on earth goes on in the mind of a girl who is fascinated by infectious diseases. That's fair, and I am trying to make this interesting, but I have something to ask of you.

You need to comment.

"Say whaaaaaat?!"

You need to comment, to let me know that you actually are reading this and it's not just robots clicking on my facebook link, and that you rather like my cupcake recipes and random rants about random things (giant inflatable rubber ducks anyone?).

So how do you do this.
Well, step one is to arrive at my blog, so congratulations on that.
Step two: scroll down to bottom of post until you see this box:

and then you click on the linked that I have circled for you. A pop up window will appear, which leads you to step three: type some lovely words for me to read. What should you write? ANYTHING! Say hello, disagree with what I've written, tell me you've tried my recipes, post some random stuff... whatever Trevor!

So there you go. With your comments my blog will become a better place. 

Happy Angus!

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