Tuesday, 18 February 2014

statistics show

I paid $600 for a three day course on basic applied statistics. 

I'm sure you're thinking either one of three things - 
1) you're a student, why on earth is it costing you that much?
2) you're a student, where on earth did you get $600 from?
3) you're an epidemiology student, shouldn't you already know all this?

And to that last question I answer yes, but I didn't know that when I signed up for my epidemiology course... bugger eh? But I am learning an incredible amount and I think it will be money well spent. 

So whilst waiting for this mornings session to start, I scanned the news.com.au website and came across this gem of an article... 


I love this line here: “You’re not getting any younger, but the competition for the men you’d be interested in marrying most definitely is.”

It's not all bad, in fact I believe she strikes gold in this statement: "Could you marry a man who isn't your intellectual or professional equal? Sure. But the likelihood is that it will be frustrating to be with someone who just can't keep up with you or your friends. When the conversation turns to Jean Cocteau or Henrik Ibsen, the Bayeux Tapestry or Noam Chomsky [or in my case, outbreaks and humanitarian crises and the bureaucracy of public health...], you won't find that glazed look that comes over his face at all appealing. And if you start to earn more than he does? Forget about it. Very few men have egos that can endure what they will see as a form of emasculation."

Oh dear. Seems like I'm not doing myself any benefit in doing this statistics course, let alone my Masters degrees and I'm screwing myself over with the thoughts of doing a PhD at some stage... although she does say  "if you fail to identify "the one" while you're in college, don't worry—there's always graduate school"... phew!

What do you think?

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