Thursday 19 June 2014

it's just a kettle

At one of my workplaces (hooray for split placements - twice the stories!) I sit across from the tearoom. Normally this is fantastic, as we are the first to hear about cake in the kitchen, or know when your printing is finished (the printer is in the kitchen).

It's not fantastic when something changes, like for instance when we get a new kettle...
Exhibit A - our new kettle
It's one of those fancy kettles that can do different temperatures for the different kinds of tea, and is glass so you can see it boil (which I think is rather neat), and it's nice and big so lots of pots of tea can be made. And it's a good brand, so it's not about to break anytime soon.

But if you had've heard the complaining that went on about this new kettle, far out! It's just a kettle people! Sure it's nice and fancy, but so what?! It boils water, it looks nice, so shhhh! Don't get me started on what happened earlier this week when we got a new toaster! The old one was going to kill eventually, with it's makeshift handle! So our office manager went out and bought us a new kettle and a new toaster so we can have tea  and crumpets and not die in the process and all you want to do is complain?!And now I am writing on here complaining about them complaining.... ahhh the circle of life.

Wait till I tell you the lunchbox saga....

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